Sarah thinks: »How can one take any useful medical history like that? This must be so frustrating for everyone, the doctor, the patient and the child!

I need to talk about this over lunch with Dr. Uwe and Katharina from the team.«

After having watched the video, please think for yourself or discuss with your partner or within your group whether the following statements are correct or wrong.

Take time to think about possible reasons for both options before you read the answers.

A good way to overcome language barriers is to ask fellow refugees to translate because they are from the same cultural background.

After having watched the video, please think for yourself or discuss with your partner or within your group whether the following statements are correct or wrong.

Take time to think about possible reasons for both options before you read the answers.

A good way to overcome language barriers is to ask fellow refugees to translate because they are from the same cultural background.

A good way to overcome language barriers is to ask family members, especially children of refugees, to translate, because children often learn the language of the receiving country much quicker than adults and this way medical details stay within the family.

Professional interpreters should be fully paid for by the health insurance or the public service.

Your Task

What is the situation in your country? Are there professional interpreters for health consultations? Is there an interpreter service on the phone/per video? Are interpreter services covered by the health insurance? Public service? The hospital?